Dear Diary,
Today’s class is mainly concentrated on the others’ research presentation. Even though I am not going to work on characters in this class. Two of my classmates’ research on character building is very useful to my character design in other classes.
Ning’s study on character appearance is an exploration of people’s stereotypical vision towards different body shape, race, age, occupation and gender. She is more into non-human characters which I find that more attractive to look at in a 3D animation because 3D animation is all about enabling imagination in the virtual world. In such case, stereotypes are less significance to character building except the parts when it needs to recall the audience’ impression on certain kinds of people, non-human characters are more enjoyable to see in 3D animation.
Louis also researched on characters, he focused on how to show emotions, by not only the facial expression of the character, but also the gesture, the cinematography and dialogue. I appreciate his conclusion on how to express happiness and sadness in a different, but also similar approach. The content of the related shots to the happy or sad scenes often determines how the audience would feel.
YuanQing’s research on 2D effects by using 3D software is a very practical experiment. I immediately thought of the Live2D technology that has been a popular and also economic method to achieve similar result. However Live2D is more of a character building engine, rather than replacing 3D softwares like, Maya, Cinema4D entirely.
Iliya’s procedural animation experiment is very innovative. Between extruding and growing elements, he chose to grow them in a more organic way. I believe this is very helpful to his world building section.