Dear Diary,
I just had one of the most important days in my life.
The MET! Can you believe it? I was 20cm away from Van Gogh’s painting! And I searched and searched in the museum, finally found a Dali’s painting! Salvador Dali is my hero since high school. To be honest, I completely forgot the reason and mission to go to the MET. There was wayyy too much to process ever since we started the tour in the renaissance section.
I really enjoyed the architectural design of the museum because I have to look for the others from time to time, the museum structure is very complicated and full of surprises. Nevertheless, I considered the outing trip to be a necessary milestone for basic knowledge of the art world.
As a result, I was not doing well during the lawn discussion. To my surprise, I had this story about the hot dog store in front of the museum, but I did not use the elements I saw in the MET, this is very rare because I did get inspirations during the visit, for example, I was occupied by the shadow casted of the exhibits. I see movements and gestures from the shadows on the walls and the floor.